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Propel the next era of information.

Broad’s Ph.D. in Information Technology Management prepares candidates to be successful information systems researchers and teachers at prestigious universities.

Our world-class information systems faculty set the foundation for our innovative Ph.D. in Information Technology program. These faculty are nationally renowned for their publications, editorial positions, research grant funding and information systems community leadership.

ITM Doctoral Student Manual

Doctorate in Information Technology Management Program and Curriculum Overview

The main purpose of the Ph.D. in Information Technology Management program is to develop scholars who intend to pursue academic careers in research universities. This is a five-year program for most students, although a few students successfully complete the program in four years. We outline below the Ph.D. in Information Technology Management curriculum, program requirements and financial support available to students throughout the five years.

The Broad College of Business and the Department of Accounting and Information Systems have course and other requirements for the Ph.D. degree that, in total, form a student’s program of study. These requirements are summarized below and provided in more detail in our Student Manual.

Doctorate in Information Technology Management Course Requirements

  • The ITM major field (four courses: ITM 911, ITM 912 or ACC 950, ITM 914, ITM 915)
  • An appropriate minor field (course requirement will vary; typically nine credit hours), such as economics, finance, supply chain, computer science, organizational behavior, sociology or psychology
  • Research methods (four courses, including MGT 906 and MKT 904 or equivalent)
  • Economics and/or behavioral analysis (two courses, as required by the Broad College of Business)
  • Other business fields (as required by the Broad College of Business, set by guidance committee)

Note: Per Broad College requirements, to be in good standing, each student must attain at least a 3.25 (out of 4.0) cumulative grade point average by the end of the second full semester of enrollment and thereafter.

Other Program Requirement Milestones / Timing Expectations

  • Second-year paper — Work with a faculty member; complete before taking comprehensive exams
  • Comprehensive exams — Usually taken during fall of third year
  • Select dissertation chair and committee — Usually done during fall of third year, but can change if needed
  • Dissertation proposal — Targeted at summer of third year; could be done later
  • Dissertation defense — Targeted at summer of fourth year; could be done later

Additional Expectations for Doctoral Students

  • Active participation in ITM research workshops with outside speakers, ITM dissertation defense presentations and informal (i.e. brown bag) meetings for IS faculty and students.
  • Submit papers to and attend professional meetings (e.g., ICIS, AMCIS, INFORMS, Academy of Management).
  • With professors’ guidance, submit papers to journals (e.g., based on class papers, second-year paper).
  • Apply for and obtain funds intended for graduate students (e.g., NSF grants) for dissertation research.

The Doctorate in Information Technology program starts in the fall and only allows full-time students. Find out more about admission criteria and the application process.

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Faculty-student collaboration is a significant part of the Broad experience. Doctoral students have the opportunity to work with some of the top researchers across multiple disciplines. Find out more about the research opportunities for ITM doctoral students at MSU.

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The Eli Broad College of Business Information Technology Management faculty conducts research in the field for a variety of interests. They also conduct research with Information Technology Doctorate students.

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See a roster of current doctoral students in the program as well as a listing of our graduates’ placements at research institutions across the globe over the last decade.

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Tuition and Financial Aid

At the present time, all doctoral students receive financial support from the department, the college, the university and/or various external organizations. Our goal is to provide every student admitted to the program with a graduate assistantship and/or a fellowship. The assistantship is usually at a half-time level. A half-time appointment requires that the student be a teaching assistant and/or a research assistant for 20 hours per week. Renewal of financial assistance is contingent on the student making satisfactory progress in the program.

Assistantships include a nine-credit-hour tuition waiver (i.e. tuition is covered for up to nine credit hours per semester) for each of the fall and spring semesters, a waiver for the out-of-state portion of tuition for non-Michigan residents, and health insurance. The waiver does not include registration fees or other fees.

For more information about funding sources, visit the MSU Graduate School.

Contact Information

  • Department of Accounting and Information Systems
  • Business College Complex
  • 632 Bogue St Rm N270
  • East Lansing, MI 48824
  • Phone: (517) 355-7486
  • Fax: (517) 432-1101
Front entrance of the Minskoff Pavilion at dusk

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